Solving Real World Problems with AutoSplit Plug-in

Many of our existing customers have already solved their real world document processing problems with our software. This page contains information about several PDF document splitting tasks that are very common among many organizations / businesses. We hope that sharing this information will help many of our prospective customers to better utilize our software in their document processing workflow. Information on this page is organized in the form of problems & solutions. It is based on our previous experience helping customers apply our document splitting technology efficiently.

Sample Tasks:

Split Invoices By Bookmarks
Problem Description:
Customer has an existing database system that is capable of generating PDF files of multiple invoices, where the page length may be more than 1 page per invoice. The goal is to split documents into separate PDF files, one document per invoice.
Typically, many document generating systems have options to bookmark the first page of each invoice. If such option is available and enabled, each input PDF document will have several bookmarks marking the beginning page of every invoice. AutoSplit plug-in provides a completely automatic split-by-bookmark document splitting method. User needs only to select the bookmark level that is to be used for splitting (PDF documents allow nested, tree-like structure for bookmarks). In most cases, the default value of 1 (first level of bookmark tree) works just fine. AutoSplit will automatically split a document into multiple ones and even set filenames of output documents to bookmark text. For example, if bookmark titles are "Invoice 1", "Invoice 2" and etc., then output documents will be named "Invoice_1.pdf", "Invoice_2.pdf" and so on. There are additional document naming options available if a customer wants to get more fancy with naming logic. It's possible to add current date or original document name to the output filename.
Split Invoices By Text Separators
Problem Description:
Customer has an existing database system that is capable of generating PDF files of multiple invoices, where the page length may be more than 1 page per invoice. The goal is to split documents into separate PDF files, one document per invoice (same as in previous example).
If it is not possible to automatically bookmark a first page of each invoice in the user's document generation system (as described in previous example), then user can split such document using "text separator" method (available in AutoSplit Pro plug-in). Text separator is any unique text or a text pattern that occurs only on the first/last page of each invoice. The most common example is "Page 1 of" text that typically occurs on first pages of most invoices or statements. By specifying "Page 1 of" text as a text separator user can automatically split input document into multiple files. The plug-in will search input document for all occurrences of this text and create output files that contains pages from a single invoice only. This splitting method has many different options, such as ability to exclude a separator page from the output and use powerful regular expressions to define text patterns. The plug-in provides a special document naming method that can extract text from a user-defined area on the first page of each output document and use it in the filename.
Split Scanned Documents By Blank Page Separator
Problem Description:
Customer creates large PDF files by scanning a number of faxed resumes, each separated by a blank page (actually, scanned image of a blank page), into Adobe Acrobat. The goal is to break down PDF document into individual resumes wherever the blank page is.
AutoSplit Pro plug-in provides a special document splitting method that allows breaking a document at blank pages ("split-by-separators"). Software can automatically recognize both PDF blank pages (empty page in PDF document that does not contain any elements) and scanned images of blank pages (page contains image elements) and break document at that location. Blank pages are omitted in the output. Scanned blank pages may be difficult to detect because of the noise that can be present in the image due to a scanning conditions and settings. AutoSplit provides a way to adjust how much noise is still tolerable and a page can be considered "blank".
Split Documents By Salesperson Name (Split By Text Search)
Problem Description:
Customer has large PDF document that consists of individual single-page forms. Every form has a salesperson's name at the top. It is possible that person's name appears on two different non-consecutive pages. If that's the case, than customer does want to merge them into one output PDF document. All names are known in advance and new names are not added very frequently. The goal is to process input PDF document and create multiple output documents, one per each salesperson.
AutoSplit plug-in provides ability to define document splitting based on a text search (available in "manual page ranges" method). User can define a number of output documents and a text search criteria how the document is created from the original one. In this particular case, customer sets up an output document description (one per salesperson) based on set of pages that matches person's name. All pages that match text search pattern will be automatically placed into single output PDF document. This is done by clicking on "Add Output Document" and "Pages By Text Search" buttons. Salesperson's name is then entered as a search pattern. This simple process is repeated for each person. As the result, user has several output documents defined (one for each salesperson). When splitting operation is executed, AutoSplit runs all search queries on the input PDF document and splits it according to user specifications. It's always a good idea to save your document splitting settings for a future reuse. Use "Save Profile..." button to store all your current settings and preferences in the application configuration file. Settings can be loaded back by clicking on "Load Profile..." button and selecting a desired configuration file.