Link Report Report date: Wednesday, April 25, 2007, 17:18:21 Document name: C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 6.0 SDK\Documentation\Core_API\CoreAPIOverview.pdf Total number of pages checked: 214 Total number of links found: 2109 Total number of links without actions: 0 Total number of links with errors: 2 Links Statistics: Total number of absolute path links: 0 Total number of links pointing to a page in the same document: 1123 Total number of links pointing to a page in the another document: 982 Total number of links pointing to a web page: 4 Total number of links that open an external file: 0 Total number of links that execute a JavaScript code: 0 Total number of links that execute a menu item: 0 Total number of links pointing to an article thread: 0 Total number of links playing a movie file: 0 Total number of links playing a sound file: 0 Total number of links with unknown actions: 0 File Dependencies: Total number of external file references: 31 [1] ../Core_API/CoreAPIOverview.pdf (relative) [2] ../Core_API/CoreAPIReference.pdf (relative) [3] ../Extended_API_For_Plugins/ADMReferenceGuide.pdf (relative) [4] ../Extended_API_For_Plugins/AcroColorAPIReference.pdf (relative) [5] ../Extended_API_For_Plugins/CatalogAPIReference.pdf (relative) [6] ../Extended_API_For_Plugins/DigitalSignatureAPIRef.pdf (relative) [7] ../Extended_API_For_Plugins/FormsAPIReference.pdf (relative) [8] ../Extended_API_For_Plugins/PDFConsultant.pdf (relative) [9] ../Extended_API_For_Plugins/SaveAsXML.pdf (relative) [10] ../Extended_API_For_Plugins/SearchAPIReference.pdf (relative) [11] ../Extended_API_For_Plugins/SpellingAPIReference.pdf (relative) [12] ../Extended_API_For_Plugins/WeblinkAPIReference.pdf (relative) [13] ../Getting_Started/DeveloperFAQ.pdf (relative) [14] ../Getting_Started/DevelopmentOverview.pdf (relative) [15] ../Getting_Started/GettingStarted.pdf (relative) [16] ../Getting_Started/PluginTutorial.pdf (relative) [17] ../Getting_Started/ReaderEnabling.pdf (relative) [18] ../Getting_Started/ReleaseNotes.pdf (relative) [19] ../Getting_Started/SamplesGuide.pdf (relative) [20] ../Getting_Started/Upgrading.pdf (relative) [21] ../InterApplication_Communication/IACOverview.pdf (relative) [22] ../InterApplication_Communication/IACReference.pdf (relative) [23] ../JavaScript/AcroJS.pdf (relative) [24] ../JavaScript/AcroJSGuide.pdf (relative) [25] ../JavaScript/VBJavaScript.pdf (relative) [26] ../PDF/PDFReference.pdf (relative) [27] ../PDF_Creation_APIs/DistillerAPIReference.pdf (relative) [28] ../PDF_Creation_APIs/DistillerParameters.pdf (relative) [29] ../PDF_Creation_APIs/pdfmarkReference.pdf (relative) [30] ../PDF_Reference/PDFReference.pdf (relative) [31] CoreAPIReference.pdf (relative) URL Dependencies: Total number of URL references: 1 Base URL: [1] Named Destinations: Total number of links pointing to named destinations: 1123 Total number of different named destinations used by links: 660 [1] G10.1030755 [2] G10.1030818 [3] G10.1030859 [4] G10.1030919 ... ... SOME ENTRIES ARE OMMITED HERE ... ... [656] M9.9.33342.1Heading.44.AVDoc [657] M9.9.40048.1Heading.412.AVToolbar [658] M9.9.50656.1Head.66.AVCommand [659] M9.9.73440.1Head.67.AVConversion [660] M9.9.83728.1Head.AVUndo Errors Found: Total number of links with errors: 2 Total number of links without actions: 0 [1] Page 68, Errors: Destination file "../PDF/PDFReference.pdf" does not exist.; [2] Page 68, Errors: Destination file "../PDF/PDFReference.pdf" does not exist.; END OF REPORT -------------------------------------------------------------------------