PDF Bookmarks: Change Text Case

Tutorial for AutoBookmark plug-in for Adobe® Acrobat®

AutoBookmark plug-in provides a way to change text case for all bookmark titles at once. You can change between lower case and upper-case letters, capitalize, uncapitalize, convert to mix (sentence) case. Open a PDF document you need to process and select Plug-ins > Bookmarks > Modify Bookmarks > Change Caseā€¦ from the main Adobe Acrobat menu.
Change text case for PDF Bookmarks
There are 4 options available: UPPERCASE, lowercase, Sentence case and Title Case. Here are the examples for each text case conversion.
Change text case for PDF Bookmarks to Uppercase
Change text case for PDF Bookmarks to Lowercase
Title Case
Change text case for PDF Bookmarks to Title Case
Sentence Case
Change text case for PDF Bookmarks to Sentence Case
How to Avoid Capatalizing Certain Words
Check Do not capitalize certain words... option to ignore the following words when converting bookmark titles to "Title Case": a,an,and,as,at,but,by,e.g.,e.g,etc,etc.,for,from,in,into,nor,of,on,or,over,per,the,to,upon,vs,v.s.,with. Here is an example of converting to Title Case with this option checked. Note that "and" is not capitalized.
Do not capitalize certain words
Turn on "Enter custom list of words that cannot be capitalized" option to specify a list of words that should not be capitalized. Type stop words into the text box below the option (one word per line) and do not use any delimiters such as commas. The text case is not important. All stop words will be matched regardless the case used.
IMPORTANT:The first word is always capitalized (even if it is contained in the stop word list) when converting to a title case.
Here is an example of converting to Title Case with this option checked. Note that "lights" is not capitalized since it is specified in the stop words list.
Do not capitalize certain words - specifying custom words
Do not capitalize certain words - custom words