Duplicating Pages in PDF Documents with AutoPageX™ Plug-in
The AutoPageX plug-in "Duplicate Pages" tool can be used to quickly add duplicate pages to a PDF document. Additional copies can be added after the original pages, or at the end of the document.
In this tutorial, we will demonstrate how to use this tool by adding page duplicates to a sample PDF document - the goal is to add a second version of each page, after the original. The second duplication method - adding copies to the end of the document - is also shown in step 5.
sample duplicate pages
You need a copy of Adobe® Acrobat® along with the AutoPageX™ plug-in installed on your computer in order to use this tutorial. Both are available as trial versions.
Step 1 - Open the Tool
Open the PDF document for processing in Acrobat, and select "Plug-Ins > AutoPagex Plug-in > Duplicate Pages..." to open the "Duplicate Pages" dialog.
open the tool
Step 2 - Select Duplication Method
Optionally change the number of page copies to insert, then choose the duplication method. Here, we will use the "Carbon Copy" option to insert "1" copy of each page.
Use "Page Range Duplication" to insert copies after existing pages (see step 5).
configure duplication
Step 3 - Duplicate Pages
Select the pages to be processed and press "OK" to proceed.
duplicate pages
Step 4 - Check the Results
Check that the duplicate pages have been added correctly. Here, one copy of each page has been added, following an AABBCC format. Press the "Save" symbol or use "File > Save/As..." to save these changes.
check page copies
Step 5 - Duplicate a Page Range
Select the "Page Range" option to insert copies of chosen pages at the end of the document. Here we will process "All pages..." - press "OK" to proceed.
copy page range
Check the results - here, a copy of each page has been added after the last page of the PDF (ABCABC).
check page copies
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