Search, Report and Organize PDF Files

AutoDocSearch plug-in for Adobe® Acrobat®

What is AutoDocSearch™ plug-in?
AutoDocSearch™ is a plug-in for Adobe® Acrobat® software for automated searching and organizing of PDF documents. Use this software to perform the following tasks:
  • Search PDF files for multiple keywords and text patterns.
  • Extract text from PDF files into CSV, Text, and XML files.
  • Copy files into different folders based on keywords and patterns.
  • Generate hyperlinked search reports.
  • Highlight search results in PDF documents.
  • Perform custom document processing based on search results.


Step-by-Step Tutorials
Use Cases
Here are few examples on how the software can be used:
  • Generate Search Reports: Search PDF files for account numbers and generate spreadsheet-ready report showing document names and page numbers where text is found.
  • Extract invoice numbers, total amounts, dates due, bill-to info from PDF invoices into Excel spreadsheets.
  • Organize files into folders: Search PDF files for a set of keywords such as "Invoice", "Purchase Order", "Monthly Statement" and etc., copy files into corresponding pre-defined folder if a match is found.
  • Update Document Metadata: Search PDF files for a set of pre-defined keywords and add them to the document metadata.
  • Customize Document Content: Search PDF files for a set of pre-defined keywords and insert different cover pages depending on search results.

Software Features

PDF Text Search
Search multiple PDF files for occurences of multiple user-defined keywords or text patterns. 
Extract Text
Extract text from PDF documents into various formats (see tutorials). Use powerful text pattern search to extract various textual data from business documents such as invoices, purchase orders, monthly statements into data files (Excel spreadsheet, XML, text files).
Extract text
Organize Files into Folders
The plug-in takes a set of PDF files/folders as input and searches documents using a collection of user-specificed "search rules". Each search rule defines a phrase or text pattern to search for and specifies what action to take if this text is found. Each rule provides options to copy and rename PDF files and/or perform custom processing via scripting. A collection of search rules can be stored as "rules" file for repetitive application. The hyperlinked HTML report file is generated at the end of the search process with detailed description and direct hyperlinks to all matching text locations. Optionally, search results can be presented to the user for interactive review. Matching text can be bookmarked and highlighted in corresponding PDF documents.
Search for Text Patterns
Use "regular expressions" to search not only for fixed keywords and phrases, but for text patterns such as phone and account numbers, email addresses or product SKUs. This is a powerful method to find text that conforms to certain formatting rules.
Search for text patterns
Copy and Rename Files
Copy PDF files to pre-defined folders based on search results. Use this functionality to organize documents into folders based on text content. For example, separate invoices from account statements or sort various medical documents based on their text content.
Copy PDF files based on search results
HTML and Excel Report Files
Save detailed search results as hyperlinked HTML file.
Save search results into a text file
and spreadsheet-ready CSV files that can be opened by Excel or any other similar application:
Excel report
Apply Conditional Processing
Run custom Acrobat JavaScript scripts to modify PDF document if it matches a specific search rule. Use this method to set document metadata, add watermarks, bookmarks, insert header or footer, add or remove pages and etc.
Review and Highlight Search Results
Interactively review search results. Bookmark and/or highlight text occurences in PDF files.
Action Wizard Batch Processing
The plug-in adds PDF document search and copy functionality as a batch command to Acrobat's Action Wizard. Action Wizard is a batch processing tool (part of Acrobat Professional) that is used to apply sequences of operations to one or more PDF files without user interaction.
Adobe Acrobat Integration
The plug-in adds "Plug-ins > AutoDocSearch Plug-in" menu and a corresponding toolbar button to the Adobe Acrobat user interface. There is no separate application to launch - all functionality is fully integrated with familiar Acrobat interface.

Trial Version

Download and evaluate a 30-days fully featured trial version of the plug-in.

System Requirements

 Microsoft® Windows 11/10/Windows 8/Windows Server 2012/2016/2019/2022.
Full version of Adobe® Acrobat® software is required - Acrobat Standard or Professional (32/64-bit versions 9, X, XI, 2015, 2017-2024, DC).
This software will not work with free Adobe Acrobat® Reader®.
Batch processing functionality requires presence of Adobe® Acrobat Professional®.
(Adobe Acrobat Product Comparison Chart).