Create and Edit Destinations in PDF Files
AutoBookmark™ plug-in for Adobe® Acrobat®
- What is AutoBookmark Plug-in?
- AutoBookmark™ is an advanced plug-in for Adobe® Acrobat® and Adobe® Acrobat Professional®
software. AutoBookmark™ is designed to create, edit and maintain all navigational
elements of PDF documents:
Product details:
Named Destinations Functionality
- Creating and Managing PDF Destinations
- A destination is the end point of a link or a bookmark in a PDF document. It is represented by text in the "Destinations" pane of Adobe® Acrobat®. Destinations allows setting navigational paths across a collection of PDF documents. Using named destinations is recommended when linking across multiple documents, because unlike linking to a page, linking to a destination is not affected by page addition or deletion in a single document. AutoBookmark™ named destinations can be used to open a PDF document from HTML script "href" tag at a desired place. Manually creating named destinations is a time consuming and tedious task. The AutoBookmark™ set of functions helps to solve this problem quickly and efficiently.
- AutoBookmark™ provides the following features for named destinations:
Creating Destinations from Bookmarks
Creating Destinations from Links
Creating Destinations from Bates Numbers
Creating Destinations from Page Labels
Creating Destinations from Text Highlights
Creating Page Labels from Bates numbers
Creating Bookmarks from Named Destinations
Exporting Named Destinations into Text File
Importing Named Destinations from Text File
Converting Links and Bookmarks NOT to Use Destinations
Deleting all Named Destinations
- Tutorials
- Creating Destinations From Bookmarks
- Destinations are automatically generated from existing bookmarks and bookmarks are converted to use named destinations instead of direct page references. Named destinations enable you to set navigation paths across a collection of PDF documents. Linking to a destination is recommended when linking across documents, because unlike a link to a page, a link to a destination is not affected by the addition or deletion of pages within the target document. Named destinations can be also shared between multiple links or bookmarks within a document. For example, instead of using a direct link to page 10, a bookmark will point to the named destination "Chapter 1" . You will be able to link to this location using a human-readable name instead of a page number.
- Custom text patterns (using regular expression syntax) can be used to search and extract only a portion of bookmark title for use as a destination name.
- Creating Destinations From Links
- Convert link actions to use "named" destinations instead of direct references to a page. The plug-in automatically creates a separate named destination for each link annotation that points to a page and converts it to use this destination instead of the direct page reference. Named destinations enable you to set navigation paths across a collection of PDF documents. Linking to a destination is recommended when linking across documents, because unlike a link to a page, a link to a destination is not affected by the addition or deletion of pages within the target document. Named destinations can be also shared between multiple links or bookmarks within a document. For example, instead of using a direct link to page 10, a link can point to the named destination "Chapter 1" . You will be able to link to this location using a human-readable name instead of a page number that can potentially change over time.
- Creating Destinations From Page Labels
- Generate named destinations for one or more pages in the PDF document using page labels for the destination name.
- Creating Destinations From Text Highlights
- Text highlights in PDF documents are a way of marking or emphasizing certain parts of the text with a colored overlay. They can be useful for reviewing, annotating, or commenting on PDF documents. AutoBookmark can scans PDF document for text highlights and extracts underlying text. The extracted text is used as a destination name. Resulting destination points to the location of the highlighted text.
- Please see the following tutorial for more details.
- Creating Destinations From Bates Numbers
- Automatically create destinations based on Bates numbers for each page in the PDF document. This operation checks every page for a Bates number and creates a destination pointing to this page while using a Bates number as a name. Once the document has destinations that match Bates numbers, then it is possible to bookmark/link to the pages by using a corresponding destination name. The advantage of destinations is that they can be used for cross-document linking. The links/bookmarks that use destinations do not need to be updated if the page order or page count has been changed.
- Creating Page Labels From Bates Numbers
- Automatically create page labels based on Bates numbers for each page in the PDF document. This operation checks every page for a Bates number and sets a page label to use this number. Page labels are used to identify pages in "Thumbnail" panel and in the page selector. After applying this operation it is possible to jump to a page by typing a corresponding Bates number.
- Exporting Destinations To Text File
- Export all named destinations to a tab-delimited plain ASCII text file. Each named destination is exported on a separate text line and includes the following parameters: destination name, target page number and a complete description of the page view (zoom fit type, page rectangle and a zoom factor). Use this feature to edit existing named destinations and to import changes back into a document by using "Import From Text" operation. Easily open and edit tab-delimited text file in Microsoft Excel:
- Importing Destinations From Text File(s)
- Create named destinations from a tab-delimited ASCII text file. You can either use a text file that was previously
exported using the "Export To Text" operation or create your own file using a simple text format.
The minimum requirement is to provide just two parameters for each destination: a unique name and a destination page number.
Here are few samples of the plain text descriptions that can be used for importing named destinations:Introduction 1This functionality can be used for transferring named destinations between files, creating new or editing existing destinations. It is not possible to create a destination that points to a page that does not exists in the current document (i.e. document has just 100 pages, but the destination tries to refer to page number 101).
Chapter One 10 {FitH;-32768.000000;-32768.000000;797.000000;-32768.000000;-32768.000000}
Chapter Two 20 fitpage
Index 20 fitwidth
- The plug-in provides ability to import named destinations into multiple PDF documents from different document-specific text files. This operation expects that each PDF document has an associated text file with the same name but with *.dest.txt extension.
- Convert Bookmarks and Links Not to Use Destinations
- The software allows converting links and bookmarks that already use named destinations to direct page links. The actions are adjusted to point to the same locations as named destinations, but without using them.
- Deleting All Destinations
- All named destinations can be deleted from a document at once.
- Using Named Destinations To Open PDF Documents
- Named destinations are very useful when it is necessary to open a PDF document at a specific page view. They can be used in HTML links, URL or in command-line syntax. For example, this HTML tag opens a destination named "index" in a PDF file named myfile.pdf:
- <A HREF="">
- Another example that uses "nameddest" parameter in URL:
- URL Limitations (as describe in the technical note from Adobe):
• Only one digit following a decimal point is retained for float values.
• Individual parameters, together with their values (separated by & or #), can be no greater then 32 characters in length.
• You cannot use the reserved characters =, #, and &. There is no way to escape these special characters.
• If you turn bookmarks off using a URL parameter when a document had previously been saved with bookmarks on, the bookmark scrollbars are displayed at first, and only disappear once Acrobat obtains enough streamed information to render the full page.
AutoBookmark™ Product Levels
- Product Levels: Standard vs Professional ↑overview
- The software is available in two product levels: Standard and Professional. Both levels have identical functionality except batch processing support (batch processing commands for: bookmarking, linking), that is available only in AutoBookmark™ Professional plug-in. All other features, menus and toolbars are the same. Batch processing is a method to apply the same processing steps to multiple PDF files without user interaction. It allow to speed up document processing and avoid repetitive manual operations that are prone to user errors. AutoBookmark supports Action Wizard tool that comes with Adobe Acrobat and also provides some of its functions as command-line operations that can be executed from Windows BAT file or another script or application.
System Requirements
- Platforms:
Microsoft® Windows 11/10/Windows 8/Windows Server 2012/2016/2019/2022.
- Software:
Full version of Adobe® Acrobat® software is required (32/64-bit versions 9, X, XI, 2017-2020, DC). This
software will not work with free Adobe Acrobat® Reader®. Batch processing functionality requires
presence of Adobe® Acrobat Professional®.
(Adobe Acrobat Product Comparison Chart).