Release Notes for EverMap Software
Product News and Updates
- March 17, 2025
- Version 2.6.8 of AutoBatch plug-in has been posted. This version adds improved "Auto-Rename PDF Files" operation that is now has the same functionality as AutoSplit.
- March 10, 2025
- Version 2.7 of AutoDocMail plug-in is available for download. New version adds improvements in the user interface.
- February 28, 2025
- Version 8.4.5 of AutoBookmark plug-in has been released. This version adds ability to check "Open a weblink" actions in bookmarks and links for file absolute path.
- January 15, 2025
- Version 6.8.5 of AutoSplit plug-in is now available. The new version adds ability to merge files based on similar filenames using custom text pattern matching. Merge using Control File is updated with ability to add custom bookmarks at different levels.
- December 2, 2024
- Version 6.8.4 of AutoSplit plug-in is now available for download. This build address issues in Merge All Files in Each Subfolder into Single File operation when using multiple level of subfolders without any files.
- October 25, 2024
- Version 8.4.3 of AutoBookmark plug-in has been released. This version adds ability to import bookmarks from a text file while specifying how to insert them into the existing bookmarks.
- October 21, 2024
- Version 3.7 of AutoMailMerge plug-in is available for downloading. This version adds automatic file size reduction for output compound documents.
- October 16, 2024
- Version 2.9.5 of AutoPortfolio plug-in available for download. This version fixes an issue with converting images in EML to PDF conversion.
- October 10, 2024
- New AutoMailMerge video tutorial has been posted: "Populating PDF Form with Data from Excel Spreadsheet".
- September 23, 2024
- Version 8.4.1 of AutoBookmark plug-in is available for downloading. This version adds improvements to table of contens generation. New options include ability to start a TOC chapter on a new page, and specify text offsets per TOC levels.
- September 20, 2024
- Version 1.6 of AutoExtract plug-in is available for downloading. This version adds improvements for extracting multiple data records from the same page and support for extracting data from spreadsheet-like pages. New version allows processing text both in stored and XY-sorted order to help with processing PDF files with incorrect text layouts.
- September 5, 2024
- Version 8.3.2 of AutoBookmark plug-in is available for downloading. This version adds "Match whole text lines only" option to "Bookmark Words from List" operation and add other smaller improvements.
- August 15, 2024
- Version 3.6.6 of AutoMailMerge plug-in has been posted. This build addresses a bug in accessing Excel files with invalid/corrupted dates.
- August 12, 2024
- Version 6.8 of AutoSplit plug-in is available for download. New version adds improved algorithms for finding and deleting duplicate pages. The algorithm now works 10x-100x faster on most common PDF files. This functionality is useful when processing large PDF documents.
- August 4, 2024
- Version 2.6 of AutoBatch plug-in adds ability to edit custom metadata fields.
- August 2, 2024
- Version 8.3 of AutoBookmark plug-in is available for downloading. This version adds ability to customize AutoBookmark menu by turning on/off menu items. Table of contents generation received text alignment options and ability to turn off displaying page labels for individual TOC levels.
- July 23, 2024
- AutoInk plug-in is now availabe as free license download.
- July 2, 2024
- Version 6.7 of AutoSplit plug-in is available for download. New version adds Use Watch Folder to Convert, Auto-Rename and Process PDF Files operation. Document splitting has been improved with ability to select multiple input PDF files.
- June 4, 2024
- Version 6.6.11 of AutoSplit plug-in is available for download. New version adds updated toolbar/icons and support for page interleaving mode while merging PDF documents from a control file.
- May 14, 2024
- Version 1.5 of AutoExtract software is now available for download. The new versions adds ability to extract PDF document metadata (both standard and custom) into output data files.
- April 19, 2024
- Version 2.0 of AutoMassSecure has been released. The new version adds ability to use a custom format when extracting passwords by search and option to dynamically load keyword-to-password table from a text file during processing.
- January 12, 2024
- Version 6.6.3 of AutoSplit plug-in has been posted. New version adds ability to check/uncheck all pages in "Find and Delete Duplicate Pages" operation. Other improvements include links to online tutorials added to multiple application dialogs to simplify access to the software documentation.
- December 3, 2023
- Version 3.6.2 of AutoMailMerge and version 2.6.4. of AutoDocMail plug-ins are now available for download. These updates fixes a problem releated to "invalid XML file" error message when sending emails.
- November 27, 2023
- Version 1.4 of AutoExtract plug-in is now available for download. This version adds ability to execute data extraction jobs from a command-line BAT file or another application.
- Novermber 14, 2023
- Version 6.6 of AutoSplit plug-in adds "Find and Delete Blank Pages" operation.
- October 24, 2023
- New build of AutoSplit plug-in 6.5.1 is now available to download. This version adds ability to specify pages from the end of the document and specify page offsets from bookmarks/links/destinations in Delete Pages operation. There is also a new prefix option (auto-incrementing number with leading zeroes) in Split Document operation.
- October 12, 2023
- Version 8.1.4 of AutoBookmark plug-in has been posted. This build provides support for links and bookmarks with multiple actions attached (Set Zoom operation).
- October 6, 2023
- Version 8.1 of AutoBookmark plug-in adds ability to delete text highlights, cross-outs, underlines and hyperlinks based on color, type, page location and text search. Text annotation export to Excel (CSV) has been improved by adding color and annotation type filters. Export file now includes additional data fields including color, creation date, annotation type and author.
- October 5, 2023
- New version of AutoDocMail plug-in adds improveed options for file preview.
- July 27, 2023
- Version 6.5 of AutoSplit plug-in has been released. This version adds new options for merging PDF documents from a control files (pagemode, script, scriptfile). These option provide an additional level of customization with Acrobat JavaScript scripting.
- July 10, 2023
- Version 6.4.10 of AutoSplit plug-in has been released. This version adds an option to extract pages by text search while arranging output pages by search terms and allow duplicate pages.
- July 6, 2023
- Version 8.0.3 of AutoBookmark plug-in has been released. New version adds "Open Web Links in Browser" menu. This operation extracts all "Open a web link" actions from PDF links and presents it to the user. URLs can be opened in default browser (with or without user-specified delay) and exported as HTML report file. "Highlight Text Pattern" operation is now able to search for multiple text patterns at once.
- June 5, 2023
- New tutorial is now available: Create PDF Destinations from Text Highlights.
- June 1, 2023
- Version 7.9 of AutoBookmark plug-in has been released. This version adds ability to add "Find Current Bookmark" action to each link that points to a page in the current document. This allows automatic bookmark selection after the link was clicked to reflect the location of the new page view. In addition, ability to specify headers for tooltips have been added to "Create Tooltips by Text Search Operation".
- May 20, 2023
- Version 7.8 of AutoBookmark plug-in has been released.
The new version adds the following functionality:
- Ability to generate named destinations from page labels.
- Ability to generate named destinations from text highlights.
- Ability to link to page labels in external PDF files (support of plabel: keyword).
- Ability to specify bookmark levels for Change Case operation. It is possible now change text case of the bookmarks selectively for one or more levels.
- May 12, 2023
- Version 3.6 of AutoMailMerge plug-in is now available for download. This version adds ability to sign and certify output documents with a digital signature.
- April 24, 2023
- New tutorial posted for AutoPortfolio plug-in: Extract Emails from PDF Portfolio and Name Files using Dates
- April 24, 2023
- Version 7.7.2 of AutoBookmark plug-in is now available. This build adds ability to specify custom link expansion or shrinking parameters. This feature allows making link boxes bigger or smaller than a corresponding text.
- April 20, 2023
- New AutoBookmark tutorial has been published: Insert Bookmark Cover Pages. The tutorial shows how to automatically insert cover pages into PDF document using bookmarks.
- April 19, 2023
- Version 2.5.10 of AutoDocMail plug-in has been posted. This version fixes a problem with saving email messages into EML format while including extra attachments.
- April 5, 2023
- Version 7.7 of AutoBookmark plug-in is now available. The new version adds “Insert Bookmark Cover Pages” operation that inserts cover page for each bookmark before the page the bookmark is pointing to. Bookmark title(s) are displayed in the middle of the cover page. Another new feature includes ability to import/export linking rules into a CSV text file for simplified editing. “Highlighting by search” operation adds ability to create underline, cross out and squiggly annotations.
- March 3, 2023
- Update for AutoBookmark plug-in version 7.6.3 is now available. This update adds file preview for bookmark search and replace text operation.
- February 27, 2023
- Version 6.4.7 of AutoSplit plug-in has been published. It adds improvements for selecting all files from a folder for Auto-Rename PDF File operation. The update improves user experience and makes handling large number of files easier.
- February 10, 2023
- New AutoBookmark tutorial has been published: Change Date Format in PDF Bookmarks. The tutorial shows how to convert dates contained in PDF bookmark titles from one format to another. Examples include converting from Day of the Week, Month DD, YYYY into DD/MM/YYYY and MM/DD/YYYY formats.
- February 9, 2023
- New AutoBookmark tutorial has been published: Bookmarking Email Headers in PDF Files. The tutorial shows how to bookmark email headers (To:, From:, Subject:, Sent:) in PDF documents. It is common to have multiple emails saved into the same PDF file. Bookmarking each email message significantly improves readability of such documents.
- February 2, 2023
- New AutoBookmark tutorial has been published: Customizing File Headers in Master Table of Contents. The tutorial shows how to use various document metadata in the table of contents for multiple PDF files.
- January 31, 2023
- Version 6.4 of AutoSplit plug-in has been released. It adds "Find Duplicate Pages" command-line option and corresponding Action Wizard action.
- January 25, 2023
- AutoDocMail and AutoPagex plug-ins have been updated with minor improvements and bug fixes.
- January 20, 2023
- Version 7.6.2 of AutoBookmark plug-in has been released. The new version adds ability to add file headers when generating master table of contents for multiple PDF files. File headers can be customized with various document and file metadata including Bates numbers. Another improvement includes ability to export text covered by links into a text file.
- December 1, 2022
- Version 2.9.4 of AutoPortfolio plug-in has been posted. It adds new options to "Deduplicate PDF Files" operation to use number of pages and number of characters while comparing files.
- November 29, 2022
- Updated versions of AutoDocMail and AutoMailMerge plug-ins have been posted. The updates deal with recent changes in Office365 SMTP server and related emailing issues.
- November 24, 2022
- Version 1.3 of AutoExtract plug-in has been released. It adds ability to skip text that matches a specific search pattern. Various user-interface improvements have been implemented.
- November 21, 2022
- Version 2.9.3 of AutoPortfolio plug-in has been posted. It adds an option to "Deduplicate PDF Files" operation to ignore common English words (such as is, are, to, from etc.). There is also an option to always recompute fingerprint files.
- November 7, 2022
- Minor update 6.3.6 of AutoSplit plug-in is now available. It adds an option to ignore line breaks while extracting or deleting pages by text search.
- October 28, 2022
- Version 7.6 of AutoBookmark plug-in has been released. This version adds ability to expand/contract link boxes.
- October 7, 2022
- Version 1.2 of AutoExtract plug-in has been released. It adds ability to specify page offset for text extraction from the end of the record and option to search all pages in the record/file for an individual data field. These options greatly enhance application capabilities.
- October 6, 2022
- Version 7.5.3 of AutoBookmark plug-in has been released. This update adds improved handling of named destinations. This improvement affects importing and creating links and bookmarks that refer to named destinations.
- September 27, 2022
- Version 7.5 of AutoBookmark plug-in has been released. It adds "Bookmarks > Add Page Offset" and "Bookmarks > Insert Bookmarks Before/After Existing Bookmark" operations as well as small improvements to multiple other functions.
- September 26, 2022
- Version 2.5.6 of AutoDocMail plug-in is now available. It adds improved emailing via locally installed MS Outlook and small bug fixes.
- June 17, 2022
- Version 2.5.5 of AutoDocMail plug-in adds ability to block all emails from a specific domain.
- June 17, 2022
- Version 2.9.3 of AutoPortfolio plug-in has been released. It adds Set Custom Properties to Multiple PDF Files operation that allows adding custom document properties (metadata) to multiple PDF files at once.
- May 9, 2022
- Version 2.9 of AutoPortfolio plug-in has been released. It adds "Add Filename and Metadata Watermarks to Multiple PDF Files" operation that stamps pages in one or more PDF documents with corresponding filenames and/or metadata fields (such as Author, Title, Subject, Keywords, Creation and Modification date etc).
- May 3, 2022
- Version 2.8 of AutoPortfolio plug-in has been released. It adds "Extract File Properties from Multiple PDF Files" operation that extracts a large list of file metadata properties into various file formats (CSV, TXT, XML, JSON, HTML).
- April 5, 2022
- Version 6.3 of AutoSplit plug-in has been released. The new version adds improvements for splitting PDF files using list of keywords. This splitting mode now supports options for combining output files based on keywords and producing multiple output files when multiple keywords are detected on the same page.
- March 14, 2022
- Version 6.2 of AutoSplit plug-in has been released. The new version adds ability to separate pages of a different size and orientation into different files.
- March 8, 2022
- Version 6.1 of AutoSplit plug-in has been released. The new version adds "Divide Pages" operation that can divide PDF pages into multiple pages of smaller size.
- February 10, 2022
- Version 6.0 of AutoSplit plug-in has been released. This version adds “Merge All Files In Each Subfolder into Single PDF Files” operation. This function works on a one or more folders. All files in each folder is merged into a single PDF file and named after a corresponding folder name. Another important improvements is ability to rename files based on lookup table (added to “Auto-Rename PDF Files” and “Split Documents” menus).
- January 12, 2022
The following products have been updated to support 64-bit version of Adobe Acrobat:
- AutoRedact
- AutoInk
- AutoMassSecure
- December 27, 2021
The following products have been updated to support 64-bit version of Adobe Acrobat:
- AutoSplit
- AutoMailMerge
- AutoPortfolio
- AutoBookmark
- AutoDocMail
- October 21, 2021
- Version 7.3.9 of AutoBookmark plug-in has been posted. It adds functionality for generating detailed report about document pages. The following information is exported: page width, height, rotation angle, crop box, page label, Bates number (if present). Document-level metadata is exported as well.
- October 13, 2021
- Version 3.5.4 of AutoMailMerge has been released. This version adds support for direct emailing via Microsoft Outlook email application. It will send emails via any local account using either 32 or 64 bit version of Outlook. There is also a new option to save output emails as EML files without actually emailing them.
- October 11, 2021
- Version 2.5 of AutoDocMail plug-in has been released. This version adds support for direct emailing via Microsoft Outlook email application. It will send emails via any local account using either 32 or 64 bit version of Outlook.
- May 27, 2021
- Version 5.9.5 of AutoSplit plug-in has been posted. It provides an option to ignore pages without searchable text in Find Duplicate Pages operation. The new build provides resizable dialogs for comparing pages and inspecting results that open at full screen for better viewing.
- April 8, 2021
- Version 2.7.6 of AutoPortfolio plug-in is now available. This build adds minor improvements in the user interface for EML to Portfolio conversion process.
- April 7, 2021
- Version 7.3 of AutoBookmark plug-in has been released. The new version adds ability to execute a number of AutoBookmark operations from a command-line BAT file or another application. There are two new operations available: "Highlight Text Patterns" and "Add Tooltips by Text Search". This version adds a range of improvements in various operations mostly related to Unicode support.
- March 16, 2021
- Version 5.9.3 of AutoSplit plug-in adds ability to use rules in "Auto-Rename PDF Files" operation. Rules add an important ability to create complex file renaming rules that use logical conditions to process documents with different text layout and content.
- March 4, 2021
- Version 2.4 of AutoDocMail plug-in has been released. The new version adds search expressions for customizing subject line and email messages.
- February 11, 2021
- Version 5.9 of AutoSplit plug-in adds table of contents generation options for the document merging operation as well as page duplication options.
- January 22, 2021
- The new update 5.8.1 for AutoSplit plug-in adds support for sorting order while emerging content of folders using a control file.
- January 14, 2021
- Version 2.3 of AutoDocMail plug-in adds ability to use keyword-to-email and filename-to-email mapping methods to specify optional email parameters such as Subject, CC, BCC, Filename, Greeting, ReplyTo.
- January 4, 2021
- Version 5.8 of AutoSplit plug-in is now available for download. New version adds a separate operation for extracting pages by text search via menu and a command-line BAT file.
- December 3, 2020
- Version 3.5 of AutoMailMerge plug-in adds ability to place multiple data records on a single PDF form.
- November 26, 2020
- Version 1.9.12 of AutoRedact plug-in has been released. This version adds improvements to the character redacting algorithm.
- November 2, 2020
- Version 5.7 of AutoSplit plug-in is now available for download.
This version adds the following improvements:
- Support for document-specific splitting rules that allow using different settings to split different kinds of documents.
- Support for executing a pre-processing scripts before splitting a document.
- Ability to run "Delete Pages by Text Search" operation from a command-line BAT file.
- Warning if Acrobat is used in a Protected Mode.
- October 7, 2020
- Version 2.7 of AutoPortfolio plug-in is now available. This version adds EML-to-PDF Portfolio conversion operation.
- September 2, 2020
- Version 5.6.4 of AutoSplit plug-in is now available. This version adds options for handling form fields in the merge documents operation. Both "Merge Multiple Documents using Control File" and "Merge Multiple Documents into Single Document" operation are now supporting form handling options.
- June 9, 2020
- Version 1.9 of AutoMassSecure plug-in has been released. It adds "keyword-to-password" processing method that allows assigning passwords based on search keywords.
- May 14, 2020
- Version 1.8 of AutoMassSecure plug-in has been released. It adds ability to run processing from a command-line BAT file.
- May 14, 2020
- Version 5.6.2 of AutoSplit plug-in adds small improvements to "Insert Pages into Multiple PDF Files" operation (ability to specify a page location). the "Merge Files with Similar Filenames" adds an option to move processed files to a designated folder.
- April 24, 2020
- Version 5.6 of AutoSplit plug-in has been released. The new version adds ability to execute AutoSplit operations from a command-line BAT file.
- April 20, 2020
- Version 3.4 of AutoMailMerge plug-in is now available for download. This version adds ability to execute mail merge jobs from a command-line BAT file or another application.
- April 17, 2020
- Version 2.6.8 AutoPortfolio plug-in has been released. It provides the important speed and reliability improvements.
- April 17, 2020
- Version 2.2.4 of AutoDocMail plug-in provides some minor bug fixes.
- March 24, 2020
- Version 2.2.3 of AutoDocMail plug-in adds an option to disable searching for the mail-to email addresses.
- March 6, 2020
- Version 1.7.3 of AutoMassSecure plug-in adds ability to save & load processing settings into a file.
- March 3, 2020
- The AutoDocMail plug-in was updated with minor fixes to increase number of allowed records in the filename-to-password and filename-to-email mapping tables.
- February 6, 2020
- Version 7.2 of AutoBookmark plug-in has been released. It adds "Delete Bookmarks and Corresponding Pages" operation as well as number of small improvements.
- January 15, 2020
- Version 7.1 of AutoBookmark plug-in has been released.
- The "Create Links From Dictionary" functionality adds ability to auto-generate link dictionary from named destinations and bookmarks in the same or an external PDF file.
- Ability to auto-generate link dictionary to any files in any folder location.
- The "Bookmark Current Page" tool gets an option to prompt for an additional text or date input.
- The "Convert Multi-Level Bookmarks into a Single-Level" operation is added.
- The "Generate Links by Text Search" operations get an option to ignore line breaks while performing a text search.
- Multiple improvements and changes in the way a text search is performed.
- December 3, 2019
- Version 5.5 of AutoSplit plug-in add "Extract Bookmarked Pages" operation and significantly expands "Merge Using Control File" functionality.
- November 4, 2019
- Version 2.3 of AutoDocMail plug-in adds ability to export ready-to-send email messages as EML files. The saved messages can be emailed at later time via Outlook or most other emailing applications that support EML file format.
- October 29, 2019
- The update is posted for AutoPortfolio plug-in (version 2.6.2) that fixes a problem with conversion of multiple nested MSG file attachments.
- October 23, 2019
- Version 2.5.2 of AutoBatch plug-in has been posted. It adds minor improvements to "Edit Metadata in Multiple Documents" operation.
- October 17, 2019
- New version 1.2.3 of AutoDocSearch plug-in is posted. It adds improvements for text extraction from PDF documents. See the following tutorial for more details: "Extracting Text from PDF Documents By Search".
- September, 18, 2019
- Version 5.4.5 of AutoSplit plug-in is now available for download. The new version adds ability to use text from any page for document renaming.
- June 12, 2019
- Version 7.0 of AutoBookmark plug-in adds {author} and {subject} keywords to Highlight by Text Search operation. Another new feature includes a function to normalize bookmark icons. This operation will make sure that all bookmarks are displayed using the same regular icon and remove any "double-icons" produced when multiple documents are merged together.
- June 6, 2019
- The AutoRedact plug-in has been updated with new text pattern definitions. This affects detection of SSNs and other text patterns that use a dash as part of the text.
- June 6, 2019
- Version 2.2.1 of AutoDocMail plug-in adds keyword-to-password mapping functionality to allow securing outgoing documents with document-specific passwords based on user-defined rules. Use this method to set passwords based on account numbers, SSNs, EINs, company names, phone numbers, emails and etc.
- June 3, 2019
- Version 2.2 of AutoDocMail plug-in is now available for download. This version features an updated support for Action Wizard execution and improved logging capabilities.
- May 21, 2019
- Version 2.6 of AutoPortfolio is available for download. This version speeds up conversion by removing a separate form flattening step. This step was triggering Windows Defender checks that could slow down the conversion by 10x. All temporary files are now processed locally in the special folder to avoid accidental usage of the auto-synchronizing folders such as OneDrive or Dropbox.
- April 4, 2019
- Version 6.9.12 of AutoBookmark plug-in is now available for download. It adds more customization options for the table of contents titles. The "Convert "Open a Web Link" to "Open a File" Actions" has been added to the software. This operation is also available as a command in Action Wizard.
- April 2, 2019
- Version 6.9.15 of AutoBookmark plug-in is now available for download. It adds advanced customization options for the table of contents title. The Acrobat JavaScript, metadata properties, and text style options are supported.
- March 28, 2019
- Version 5.4.2 of AutoSplit plug-in is now available. It adds "Delete Pages by Search" command to the Action Wizard (AutoSplit Pro). In addition, this operation now supports replacing pages with a stub page instead of deleting them. This option keeps bookmarks, links, and named destinations in working condition while deleting the page content.
- March 27, 2019
- Version 1.7 of the AutoMassSecure plug-in has been posted. It adds ability to select a pre-defined search expressions for the most popular text patterns (such as SSN) from a built-in library.
- March 27, 2019
- The AutoBatch plug-in has been updated with smaller bug fixes.
- March 26, 2019
- Version 6.9.14 of AutoBookmark plug-in is now available. It adds "search context" feature to the "Generate Links By Text Search" operations (both single rule and multiple rules). The search context is a powerful new concept that greatly simplifies many of the complex linking scenarios. The "Link "Page N" text to Page N" operation has been updated and is now using the search context to handle page lists and ranges. For example, it will add individual links to all page references in the following text: "see pages 5, 11-14, 23-25, 124".
- March 24, 2019
- Version 6.9.12 of AutoBookmark plug-in is now available. New version adds updated regular expression engine that simplifies linking text patterns in the form of the lists with the help of new \K keyword. The "Create Links From Dictionary", "Bookmark Words From List", "Highlight Words" operations have been modified to link/bookmark/highlight on the character boundary (previous it was working on word boundaries). The “Create Link and Bookmark Report” now provides a choice between HTML and plain text report formats.
- February 22, 2019
- Version 5.4 of AutoSplit plug-in has been posted. It provides an improved "Update Documents by Inserting and Replacing Pages" operation.
- Version 5.3 of AutoSplit plug-in has been released. It provides a completely reworked "Find and Delete Duplicate Pages" operation.
- February 15, 2019
- Version 2.12 of AutoDocMail plug-in has been posted. It adds ability to load/save filename-to-email and filename-to-password tables from/into a text file. The new version is now uses latest version of OpenSLL library for secure emailing.
- February 14, 2019
- Version 3.3.3 of AutoMailMerge plug-in has been posted. It provides updated support for secure communication via TSL, latest updates for reading Excel files and improved error reporting.
- January 14, 2019
- Version 1.9 of AutoInk plug-in has been released. The new version ads ability to show/hide/lock/unlock pen inking based on pen colors.
- January 7, 2019
- Version 3.3 of AutoMailMerge plug-in adds import/export of PDF forms fields, and search and rename for form field names.
- December 10, 2018
- Version 2.1 of AutoDocMail plug-in adds import/export of configuration settings and improved data logging capabilities.
- November 14, 2018
- Version 6.9.11 of AutoBookmark plug-in now supports changing zoom type for links and bookmarks that point to the pages in PDF file attachments.
- October 18, 2018
- Version 6.9.10 of AutoBookmark plug-in adds ability to control named destination label length while creating destinations from bookmarks. Other improvements include options to remove whitespace and punctuation characters from destination names.
- October 9, 2018
- Version 2.0 of AutoDocMail plug-in add ability to assign emails to PDF documents based on custom keyword search. This method can be used to assign emails based on SSNs, account numbers, company names and etc.
- July 5, 2018
- Version 6.9.9 of AutoBookmark plug-in implements ability to use a separate text style for all page numbers while generating a table of contents. Page border styling has been added to the table of content settings.
- June 7, 2018
- Version 6.9.8 of AutoBookmark plug-in adds ability to select specific annotation types in "Create Bookmarks from Comments and Highlights" operation. The location of embedded file annotations can be now automatically bookmarked as well as all other PDF annotations, comments and highlights.
- June 6, 2018
- Version 5.2 of AutoSplit plug-in adds "Merge Linked Files into Current Document" operation. This function scans current document for links to external files and merges them into the current document. Non-PDF files are automatically converted into PDF prior to merging.
- April 10, 2018
- Version 5.1.2 of AutoSplit plug-in adds new keywords to "Merge Documents via Control File" operation. The "Duplicate" keyword allows inserting multiple copies of the same file, while "Portfolio" keyword controls the type of the output PDF document (regular PDF or portfolio).
- March 29, 2018
- The 6.9.7 update for the AutoBookmark plug-in add an option for sorting top-level bookmarks within each page in "Bookmark By Text Style" operation.
- March 9, 2018
- Version 5.1.1 of AutoSplit plug-in adds an option to output PDF Portfolios from "Merge Documents with Similar Filenames" and "Merge Documents from Multiple Folders" operations.
- February 26, 2018
- Version 6.9.5 of AutoBookmark plug-in features an improved function for changing zoom type for bookmarks and links.
- February 20, 2018
- Version 6.9.4 of AutoBookmark plug-in is now available to download. This build adds ability to batch import bookmarks into multiple PDF files.
- February 12, 2018
- Version 3.2 of AutoMailMerge plug-in is now available. The new version adds ability to group output forms into multiple compound PDF documents based on data field values. For example, all invoices that belongs to a single company can be placed into a separate PDF file. Another improvement is an option to apply "Reduce File Size" operation to all output PDF documents.
- February 1, 2018
- Version 6.9.3 of AutoBookmark plug-in adds support for "Execute JavaScript" actions in "Create Links From Dictionary" operation.
- January 31, 2018
- The new update 6.9.2 to AutoBookmark plug-in adds 7 different text highlighters. Text highlighters are available from a new "Highlighters" set of tools. The primary goal of these tools is to provide a quick and efficient way for highlighting text in PDF documents with different colors. Regular Acrobat's "Highlight" tool does not provide a way for a quick color change.
- January 24, 2018
- Version 3.1 of AutoMailMerge adds the following new features:
- Ability to place images on the PDF forms based on file paths in the data file or hyperlinks in Excel spreadsheets.
- Option to apply "Reduce File Size" operation to the compound output PDF files.
- January 19, 2018
- The minor update 6.9.1 of AutoBookmark plug-in adds ability to create multi-level bookmarks from text markup annotation (highlight, underline, strikeout). This version also provide improvements for the cross-reference links generation operation.
- January 15, 2018
- Version 6.9 of of AutoBookmark plug-in
adds the following new features:
- "Create Cross-Reference Links" operation automatically generates hyperlinks based on a user-specified list of words/sentences.
- "Add/Remove Leading Numbers" operations adds ability to add and remove leading numbers to PDF bookmarks using a combination of styles including digits, letters and Roman numerals.
- Unicode support for most bookmarking and linking operation.
- December 21, 2017
- Version 6.8 of AutoBookmark plug-in adds "Create Page Index" function for automatic generation of visual page indexes for PDF documents. More information is available here.
- November 24, 2017
- Version 5.1 of AutoSplit plug-in has been released. The version adds the following new features:
- The "Pages with Keywords from List" split-by-separator method. Use this method to split PDF documents at pages that contain keywords/text from a user-defined list.
- The "Pages > Delete Pages by Text Search" operation adds ability to find and delete pages that contain a user specified text or pattern(s).
- Minor bug fixes
- November 21, 2017
- Version 6.7 of AutoBookmark plug-in has been released.
The version adds the following new features:
- Spell checking of PDF bookmarks.
- The "Pages > Delete Pages with Matching Text" operation adds ability to find and delete pages that contain a user specified text or pattern(s).
- The "Pages > Delete Page Ranges" operation provides a way to delete pages and page ranges from a user-specified list.
- Minor bug fixes
- November 10, 2017
- Version 6.6 of AutoBookmark plug-in has been released.
- The "Move Page" operation is now available. This operation can move pages or page ranges within the document by referencing pages either directly or via bookmarks, destinations or page labels.
- The "Destinations > Set Zoom Type" operation is now available for setting zoom type to named destinations.
- The ability to specify page offset for bookmarking is now available in "Bookmark Words From List" operation.
- Bug fixes in "Create Links By Text Search (multiple rules)" operation.
- October 22, 2017
- Version 6.5 of AutoBookmark plug-in has been released.
- The "Bookmark Current Page" tool is added for quick bookmarking from a pre-defined selection of bookmark titles.
- The "Create destinations from Bates numbers" operation is added along with Action Wizard support.
- The "Create page labels from Bates numbers" operation is added along with Action Wizard support.
- October 12, 2017
- Version 3.0 of AutoMailMerge plug-in has been released. The news version adds a PDF preview for outgoing email messages. The support for Excel spreadsheets has been updated with the most recent versions of the file format.
- October 11, 2017
- Version 5.0 of AutoSplit plug-in adds the following new features:
- New "Find and Delete Duplicate Pages" operation for finding and deleting pages that have the same content and/or appearance.
- Additional options and search/replace rules for "Auto-Rename PDF Files" operation. These powerful options provide a way to customize output file names based on multiple search and replace rules that can utilize regex search patterns.
- Command-line script execution on each file processed by "Auto-Rename PDF Files" operation.
- Support for wildcards in "Merge Multiple Documents Using Control File" operation (via "filter" keyword).
- October 6, 2017
- Version 6.4 of AutoBookmark plug-in has been released. The new version provides support for multiple level description in the "Bookmark Text Patterns" operation. It adds greater flexibility and allows more complex bookmarking scenarios. Now multiple text patterns can be used to create bookmarks at the same bookmarking level.
- September 12, 2017
- Version 3.0 of AutoMailMerge plug-in is now available. It adds visual field mapping tool and support for Unicode character sets.
- September 11, 2017
- Version 2.5 of AutoPortfolio plug-in provides improved conversion of MSG files. The conversion is now using RTF format and provides correct handling of fonts, hyperlinks and page layouts while converting MSG files to PDF format.
- July 11, 2017
- The latest version of AutoDocMail plug-in adds support for different encryption levels. The encryption level selection is important when targeting PDF viewer on mobile platforms such as iOS. Additional control keywords have been added for specifying from: and reply-to: email addresses for outgoing emails.
- May 5, 2017
- Version 2.3 of AutoPortfolio plug-in is now available for download. The new version adds "Find and Delete Duplicate Pages" operation. Use this operation to find duplicate and near-duplicate pages inside single PDF document.
- May 2, 2017
- The new build of AutoBookmark version 6.31 adds improvements to table of contents generation such as inheriting text color from corresponding bookmarks and option to use named destinations for page referencing. Use of font filters is now supported in link generation with multiple rules.
- April 19, 2017
- The version 6.3 of AutoBookmark adds two new functions for extracting bookmarked pages and extracting pages that contains comments or highlights. Another important improvement has been added to linking by text search operation. It now supports look-ahead and look-behind regular expressions. This significantly increase ability of the software to add links to text patterns based on surrounding context. Adding links to the same text but differently depending on the context has been frequently requested by our customers.
- January 16, 2016
- Version 6.2 of AutoBookmark plug-in has been released. It adds “Advanced” options to the table of contents generation to provide functionality for inserting cover pages, adding backgrounds and running Acrobat JavaScript code. The “Cleanup Bookmarks” operation adds an option for removing duplicate spaces. The “Lock/Unlock Links” operation has been implemented. There are two new commands available in the Action Wizard (batch processing) – “Delete TOC” and “Lock/Unlock Links”.
- October 10, 2016
- Version 4.9 of AutoSplit plug-in adds ability to delete one or more page ranges from PDF documents. Pages can be specified either directly as absolute page numbers or indirectly via bookmarks, destinations or page labels. This operation is also available in Action Wizard as "Delete Page Ranges" command.
- October 5, 2016
- Version 6.0 of AutoBookmark plug-in is now available for download. The new version adds ability to export highlighted text and associated notes into a spreadsheet-ready text file. This function provides a way to extract text from PDF documents for processing in Excel or similar applications. The bookmark titles cleanup operation now provides a range of different processing options.
- June 23, 2016
- Version 5.9.10 of AutoBookmark plug-in adds ability to append child bookmarks onto their respective parent bookmark. This operation is also available a batch command (tool) in Action Wizard.
- June 14, 2016
- Version 2.3 of AutoPortfolio plug-in adds ability to add custom Bates numbers to multiple PDF documents at once via control file. The control file provides a way to specify individual Bates numbering parameters for each PDF file. This is a key difference from regular Bates numbering operation provided by Adobe Acrobat that only allows one numbering scheme for all files in the group. The control file uses standard CSV (comma-separated values) file format to specify processing instructions.
- May 20, 2016
- Version 2.5 of AutoBatch plug-in adds control over input file formats and option to include or exclude sub-folders from processing. These options are not originally available in Action Wizard and provide important enhancements over the standard functionality of Adobe Acrobat.
- May 18, 2016
- Version 1.9.9 of AutoRedact® plug-in is available for download. This version adds functionality for adjusting redacting boxes created by text search. Redacting annotations can be shifted and resized relatively to the matching text postion. "Direct" redacting option is added to allow immediate text redacting by search while skipping the text markup stage. This option is a significant time saver when it is necessary to redact a large amount of text.
- May 2, 2016
- Version 5.9.9 of AutoBookmark plug-in is available for download. The new version adds ability to create link dictionary entries from file names. This method is useful when it is necessary to quickly add "Open a file" links to document's text that is matching corresponding file names.
- April 13, 2016
- Version 1.7 of AutoInk plug-in is released. The new features include ability to insert blank notebook-ruled pages (yellow, white and green) as well as blank grid pages.
- April 7, 2016
- Version 1.9.7 AutoRedact® plug-in is available for download.
The new versions adds the following improvements:
- Support for multi-line exemption code descriptions.
- Options for generating of annotations summary document.
- Interactive PDF fields are now completely removed from document when redacted.
- Option to reset application preferences to default values.
- Advanced customization with Acrobat JavaScript adds ability to apply custom processing to each redacted document before and/or after redaction. Scripting can be used for adding watermarks, bookmarks, annotations, saving a copy of the file into a different destination, changing metadata and etc.
- March 17, 2016
- Version 4.8 of AutoSplit plug-in is available for download. The new version adds "Insert Pages Into Multiple Files" operation. Use this operation to quickly insert pages from single PDF document into multiple PDF files.
- March 7, 2016
- Version 5.9.8 of AutoBookmark plug-in is now available for download. This update includes the following improvements: ability to save and load settings in "Bookmark By Example" operation, printing on all pages for "Print Bookmarks On Pages" operation and settings persistence for "Cleanup Links and Bookmarks".
- January 6, 2016
- Version 2.8 of AutoMailMerge plug-in adds native support for Microsoft Excel files. Excel files can be used directly without using ODBC drivers.
- January 8, 2016
- Version 2.7.6 of AutoSplit plug-in adds improvements for merging documents via control file. Wildcards can be used to select files from input folder without specifically refering to files by name.
- December 1, 2015
- The latest update of AutoBookmark plug-in adds bookmark sorting by date method. Use this method to sort bookmarks into chronological order if bookmark titles contain dates.
- September 16, 2015
- Version 5.9.6 of of AutoBookmark plug-in adds ability to use partial bookmark names to generate named destinations from bookmarks. Regular expression syntax is used to search and extract a user-defined text pattern for use as destination name.
- August 30, 2015
- Version 2.4 of AutoBatch plug-in is now available for download. This version adds "Search and Copy PDF Files" operation. Use this functionality to search one or more PDF documents and generate a report. Optionally, copy files into folders based on search results.
- July 24, 2015
- Version 5.9.4 of of AutoBookmark plug-in adds ability to perform multiple search and replace link and bookmark actions by using a control file. Now multiple search and replace operations can be performed in a single run.
- Version 5.9.3 of of AutoBookmark plug-in is now available for download. The new version adds support for multiple search and replace expressions for "Find and Replace Bookmark Text" feature. This version introduces support for a special control file that can be used to perform large search and replace operations. Another improvement is an ability to auto-compute page offset for table of contents generation.
- June 1, 2015
- Version 5.9 of of AutoBookmark plug-in is now available for download. This version adds support for multiple-levels in bookmarking by example operation. The bookmarking by style now allows using multiple definitions for the same bookmarking level. Unicode support is added for both bookmarking operations.
- May 19, 2015
- Version 5.8 of of AutoBookmark plug-in is now available for download. This version adds a number of important improvements. The new version adds ability to generate links by text search by using multiple search rules. This operation is available via menu as well as via Action Wizard. Both linking by dictionary and linking by text search got a new mode that allows visual inspection, editing and reporting of found text location before/after adding links. The new tool allows visual inspection of text location that failed to link and provide a significant help in troubleshooting various linking issues. Table of contents generation got some minor improvements by allowing separate control over spacing between entries. Bookmarking by example adds ability to select how and where to insert new bookmarks.
- May 11, 2015
- Version 1.6 of AutoMassSecure plug-in for Adobe Acrobat now provides a selection of 3 different encryption methods: 128 bit RC4 (compatible with Acrobat 5 and up), 128 bit AES (compatible with Acrobat 7 and up) and 256 bit AES (compatible with Acrobat 9 and up).
- April 29, 2015
- Version 2.2.3 of AutoPortfolio plug-in is available for download. This version provides enhanced support for MSG (Microsoft Outlook message format) files.
- February 12, 2015
- Version 5.7 of AutoBookmark plug-in is now available for download. The new version provideds the following functionality:
- Master table of contents (TOC) generation for multiple PDF files from documents bookmarks.
- Saving and loading settings for "Generate Links By Text Search" function.
- Ability to automate file naming for importing and exporting links.
- Minor changes for the creation of named destinations from bookmarks.
- January 27, 2015
- Version 5.6 of AutoBookmark plug-in is now available for download. The new version improves table of contents generation by adding Unicode support and allows use of True Type fonts. It is now possible to create both internal (as part of the document) and external (as separate PDF document) table of contents. Several improvements have been added to "Bookmark Text Patterns" operation. It is now possible to specify a text location filters for each bookmark level. Windows Explorer-type text sorting algorithm is now used by bookmark sorting operation. It allows efficient sorting of numeric and mixed bookmark titles.
- January 21, 2015
- Version 2.2 of AutoPortfolio plug-in is now released. The new version adds ability to extract Bates numbers from a list of PDF files and export them into a spreadsheet. The plug-in now supports long file names.
- November 14, 2014
- Version 2.1 of AutoPortfolio plug-in is now released. The new version adds ability to rename output files using any combination of metadata fields and provides control over bookmarking in conversion to single output PDF document.
- November 14, 2014
- Version 2.33 of AutoBatch plug-in has been released. The new version adds ability to specify file type filters, allows PDF files with Xerox Job ticket headers for processing, and provides a number of minor improvements and bug fixes.
- October 27, 2014
- Version 1.9.3 of AutoPagex plug-in is available for download. The new version features an improved "Divide Pages" function (page orientation filter has been added) and additional toolbar buttons.
- July 25, 2014
- New step by step tutorial: Adding hyperlinks to PDF documents with AutoBookmark plug-in" is now available for download.
- June 6, 2014
- Version 4.7.1 of AutoSplit™ plug-in is posted. The new version adds option to not use bookmark titles to name output files while using split by bookmarks processing method. Another improvement includes ability to run custom JavaScript code at full security level. This allows using all available scripting commands for post processing output files.
- June 2, 2014
- The new version of AutoPortfolio™ plug-in adds ability to execute custom Acrobat JavaScript scripts on every output PDF document. This functionality provide a way for advance document processing of PDF portfolio entries. Use this functionality to add watermarks, stamps, rename documents or perform any other custom document processing.
- May 20, 2014
- Version 5.4.2 of AutoBookmark™ adds two new batch commands (available in Action Wizard): "Expand/Collapse Bookmarks" and "Export Bookmarks To HTML".
- April 14, 2014
- The new version 1.9.7 of AutoDocMail™ plug-in now supports TLS and STARTTLS security methods for sending email.
- April 8, 2014
- Version 5.4.1 of AutoBookmark™ adds "Bookmark Text By Example" quick bookmarking tool. This capability was previously available as part of the more advanced and complex "Generate Bookmark" tool. This version includes few improvements in various parts of the software including new algorithm for the changing color of the text covered by links.
- March 11, 2014
- Version 5.3 of AutoBookmark™ adds new functions for adding links to web URLs and email addresses. Both operations are also supported as batch actions in Action Wizard.
- January 29, 2014
- Version 5.2 of AutoBookmark™ has been released. The new version adds a number of batch commands related to processing of named destinations as well as improved functionality for bookmarking and linking table of contents entries. "Bookmark table of contents" operation is now able to automatically add links as well as bookmarks, and handle page labels and page offsets. The new version also features a number of improvements in "Bind Documents" operation. It is now possible to edit bookmark tree structure and import/export bookmark trees to a plain text file.
- October 9, 2013
- Version 5.1 of AutoBookmark™ adds ability to swap bookmark levels.
- September 30, 2013
- Version 5.0 of AutoBookmark™ adds ability to hyperlink multiple search terms into one or more “chains” or “loops”. All occurrences of each search term(s) are hyperlinked in the closed “loop”. The first occurrence of the search term points to a second one, the second one to a third one, and etc. The last occurrence of the search term is pointing back to the first occurrence of the term. Each link “chain” is a closed “loop” of hyperlinks that allows jumping from one occurrence of the search term(s) to another.
- July 31, 2013
- Version 4.92 of AutoBookmark™ adds enhancements to Highlight Text By Search functionality. The new version supports additional keywords for optional assignment of popup notes to the highlights as well as individual highlight colors.
- July 29, 2013
- Version 4.91 of AutoBookmark™ adds ability to specify processing page ranges by using bookmarks, named destinations, page labels and negative page offsets. For example, when building links in multiple documents it is impossible to specify processing page range for index linking using direct page numbers, since they are different in each PDF document. The problem is solved by using a bookmark or named destination that points to a first page of the index in each file. This provides a way to automate link building in multiple documents at once.
- July 11, 2013
- Version 4.9 of AutoBookmark™ adds ability to convert PDF bookmarks and links that use named destinations to use direct page view references instead. This operation does not change the way bookmarks and links operate - the behavior will remain the same. It will only replace named destination references with direct page views.
- July 10, 2013
- Version 4.7 of AutoSplit™ plug-in adds ability to use custom rules for replacing characters (renaming) in the output filenames.
- June 30, 2013
- Version 2.8 of AutoMailMerge™ software adds ability to output multiple compound documents with preset number of forms per output file. The new version allows optionally selecting records for the mail merge at the time of execution. This makes easier to run mail merge on small number of records at the time. This feature has been requested by users who routinely run mail merge just on one data record at the time.
- June 14, 2013
- Version 4.6 of AutoSplit™ plug-in adds ability to automatically rename many PDF files at once using any combination of text from pages, document metadata and other configurable parameters. This functionality allows instant renaming of multiple PDF files that otherwise requires a lot of manual labor.
- June 12, 2013
- Version 4.5.4 of AutoSplit™ plug-in adds expanded menu with access to software manuals and a toolbar.
- June 6, 2013
- The new build 1.9.6 of AutoPortfolio™ plug-in is posted. It adds ability to copy files that cannot be merged into single output document due to security restrictions into a separate "catch" folder and provides related records and file counts in the processing report.
- May 30, 2013
- The new build 4.8.8 of AutoBookmark™ plug-in adds support for embedded attachments in "search and replace" operation for link actions.
- May 28, 2013
- The new build 4.8.7 of AutoBookmark™ plug-in adds a batch command for printing bookmark titles on corresponding pages as well as Unicode support for bookmark import/export functionality.
- May 22, 2013
- The new build of AutoMailMerge™ plug-in adds option for requesting email read receipts.
- May 13, 2013
- Version 4.5.3 of AutoSplit Pro™ plug-in adds batch commands that support "Merge Documents With Similar Filenames" and "Merge With Control File" operations.
- May 12, 2013
- Version 4.8.6 of AutoBookmark™ plug-in adds ability validate weblinks by accessing corresponding URL addresses. The "Boorkmark words from list" operations now supports ability to enforce a specific order of the output bookmarks.
- February 27, 2013
- Version 4.4 of AutoSplit™ plug-in adds "Merge Documents With Similar Filenames" operation. Now it is possible to merge multiple documents based on common part of the filename.
- February 26, 2013
- The new build of AutoPagex plug-in adds ability to specify a reference point for "Change Page Size" operation. The reference point defines the origin for expanding/ contracting page size and content.
- January 30, 2013
- Version 1.4.2 of AutoMassSecure™ plug-in is now available to download. The new version adds toolbar and abiliy to apply security settings to the currently open PDF document. The new version now provides a way to specify a global " change permissions" password.
- January 16, 2013
- Version 4.8 of AutoBookmark™ plug-in is now released. The new version adds ability to generate a table of contents from bookmarks. New pages are inserted into the document with hyperlinked table of contents using the corresponding bookmark titles and actions.
- January 7, 2013
- Version 4.3 of AutoSplit™ plug-in adds "Update Documents By Inserting and Replacing Pages" functionality. This operation is designed for helping in updating large collections of PDF documents. It can be used for inserting and replacing pages in one or more documents. Pages can be referred to by pages numbers, page labels, bookmarks and named destinations. This provides a great flexibility in identifying pages that need to be updated. The new version adds operation for automatic creating of page labels by text search. The software can search user-defined areas on each page in PDF document and detect and assign page labels.
- December 5, 2012
- Version 2.2 of AutoBatch ™ plug-in has been posted for downloading. This is service update that is fixing some problems with execution of Preflight batch command.
- November 20, 2012
- Version 2.1 of AutoBatch™ plug-in is available to download. The new version adds ability to overwrite output file/folder settings by passing a parameter to the batch file. There are 4 new interactive operations available: "Password Protect Multiple PDF Files", "Rename PDF Files", "Edit Document Metadata" and "Export Document Properties and Metadata".
- November 2, 2012
- Version 4.7 of AutoBookmark™ plug-in is now released. The new version adds text style filter for bookmarking and linking by search. The font filter allows searching only text with a specific font name and/or size. For example, to search only text that is using "Italic" or "Arial" font. Another important improvement of the linking by text search is ability to add links to part of the word. Previously, it was possible to add links to whole words only.
- October 30, 2012
- Version 1.9.5 of AutoDocMail plug-in™ has been posted for download. The new version adds ability to save documents without assigned email addresses or PDF files with other problems into a separate folder.
- October 26, 2012
- Version 1.4 of AutoMassSecure™ plug-in is now available to download. The new version adds ability to secure batches of PDF files using text from a first page of each input PDF document or using custom filename-to-password mapping table. The new version creates a processing log that records all input/output documents and provides ability to rename secured files.
- October 19, 2012
- Version 1.9.4 of AutoRedact™ plug-in adds ability to markup text patterns at character-level resolution. Previous versions of AutoRedact could only markup text patterns as whole words.
- September 4, 2012
- Version 2.7 of AutoMailMerge™ plug-in adds ability to export form fields and their detailed properties as a spreadsheet-ready file. Both Excel XML and plain text CSV formats are supported.
- August 30, 2012
- The new build 1.9.1 of AutoPortfolio™ plug-in adds ability to output an Excel spreadsheet with hyperlinks to extracted files. This version warns user if input file is not a PDF portfolio. This helps to avoid confusion when old-style export (pre-Acrobat 8) from MS Outlook is used for archiving emails.
- August 9, 2012
- Version 2.0 of AutoBatch™ plug-in is available to download. The new version adds "Password Protect Documents" batch command that can secure PDF documents with filename-specific passwords.